Fuel economy analysis

Principle of Energy
Flow-Down Method

To improve fuel economy of your car, understanding of engine + T/M + vehicle interaction and control strategy (ECU, TCU) are very Important

  • Needs for sub-system

  • Subsystem technology
  • Needs for component technology

  • Components
  • Component technology development and optimization


Benefits of Energy
Flow-Down Method

  • Energy Flow-Down Method can analyze the fuel consumption and contribution of each component and ECU/TCU control data through systematic approach.
  • Client can have the whole view for the quantitative fuel consumption and contribution of each component.
  • Client can recognize the weak and strong points against target vehicle.
  • Client can understand how top maker optimizes every component and control data to improve fuel economy.
  • Client can make catch-up plan of short, mid, long term in the most efficient cost.
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